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Mexican Cultural Exhibit

Mexican Cultural Exhibit

At one point in the history of Bullion Plaza School the Mexican Exhibit Room was used as the school library. All three rooms, and their exhibits were renovated and restored through a grant from the Globe/Miami United Fund, Gila County Board of Supervisors, Robert and Charm McKusick, The Mexican Committee, many volunteers, and others, through donation and hard work.

Photo Diane Scott

The Mexican Exhibit conveys through photographs, text, color, and artifacts, history, and contribution of the Mexican population in the Miami area. Included in this exhibit are photographs depicting local history, and the history of Bullion Plaza School.

Photo Diane Scott

The Mexican Exhibit is surrounded by original murals completed by teachers and students from the 1930’s. The murals, although sustaining some damage over the years, have remained untouched.   Through a previous grant from Wings Like Eagles, restoration and renovation of these murals has begun.

At the far north end of this exhibit room is a small exhibit dedicated to those who made the music that entertained the residents of this area, the counties surrounding Bullion Plaza School and the dance hall that once existed in front of Bullion Plaza. Also displayed is an exhibit dedicated to the men of the Miami Fire Department. This is depicted through equipment, photographs and artifacts.