Museum & Gift Shop Open in 2023! Wednesday – Saturday 11am to 2pm. Also by Appointment, (928) 473-3700. We’ve Missed You, Come Visit!

Slavic Cultural Exhibit

Slavic Cultural Exhibit

This exhibit showcases many of the families that played key roles in the development of the Globe-Miami area and Arizona. It achieves this through photographs, interpretive texts, clothing, and individual ‘Family Boards.’ Many traditional dresses and clothing are exhibited as well.

Slavic Exhibit Costume
Slavic Costume, Photo Diane Scott

This is a very popular exhibit and appropriately portrays the contributions that this group contributed in the development of the area.

Once a year this exhibit room is filled with family members and other interested people who join together for a Slavic dinner, and reception… with traditional music, dance and food. Please watch for this event on our events page listings and come join us for a great evening.