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Native American Cultural Exhibit

Native American Cultural Exhibit

In this exhibit we have maintained a focus on the Native American cultures and peoples of this area. This room contains artifacts from the Ho Ho Kam, Salado, and Apache cultures. The story is told through a time line of artifacts as well as photographs, a video of the famous war chief Geronimo, various artifacts, Apache baskets and other items of interest.

Photo Diane Scott

Apache families had been living in the Cobre Valley since ancient times. Children living on the west side of Miami went to school at Bullion Plaza. In his later years, Chief Talkalai lived on the hill behind the school after serving as a police sergeant on the San Carlos Reservation. Geronimo was also a member of this nomadic tribe, frequenting the area around the Pinal Mountains before being forced to live on the reservation.

Photo Diane Scott

Improvements to this room were made possible through donations and grants received from the Dindinger Family and United Fund of Globe-Miami.